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Spanish Stuffed Aubergine

AD | A delicious healthy and hearty vegan recipe even the most carnivorous of people will enjoy. These gorgeous stuffed aubergine are made using the Spanish grains & rice from @merchantgourmet These fantastic pouches of pulses and grains are so versatile and convenient. I always have a few in my store cupboard as they come in handy for so many dishes. The great thing about this recipe is that it’s fabulous hot or cold, so as well as making a tasty lunch or supper, the leftovers make brilliant and nutritious packed lunches the following day.


Serves 2


2 aubergine

1 onion - finely chopped

5 jarred red peppers - finely sliced

8-10 black olives

1 tablespoon capers

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 packet of Merchant Gourmet Spanish Grains & Rice

Splash of water


Preheat the oven to 210 degrees.

Halve the aubergine lengthways keeping the stalk intact. Carefully score 1cm from the edge and then score a grid (see my stories) scoop out the flesh and set aside. Drizzle with olive oil and season. Roast for 25-30 minutes or until cooked.

Meanwhile, sauté the onion until soft. Chop the aubergine flesh into small pieces and add to the onion. Season and add a little more oil. Cook until soft, you may need to add a little water to loosen. Add the paprika, olives, capers and peppers and warm through stirring well. Pour the contents of the Spanish grains into the pan and gently break up with a wooden spoon. Warm through and check for seasoning. Add a touch of water if too dry.

Remove the aubergine halves from the oven and spoon in the delicious grains.

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